Iwan Fals: Calon Presiden RI 2009?
[OPINI] Berpendapat tentu boleh-boleh saja. Berikut pendapat seorang teman kita yang diambil dari http://trisetyarso.wordpress.com, tentang calon Presiden-Wakil Presiden RI 2009-2014. Anda punya pendapat yang sama, atau berbeda?
Rekan-Rekan yth.,
Menurut saya, pasangan Bang Iwan Fals - Ust. Hidayat Nur Wahid adalah pasangan yang memiliki kans sangat bagus, jika disandingkan menuju istana negara.
Pada tahun 2009, memang kita rasakan akan terjadi krisis kepemimpinan. Berikut peta singkat beberapa kandidat presiden 2009:
1. SBY. Jenderal kita yang satu ini sebetulnya cukup bagus ketika menjadi presiden 2004-2009; tapi popularitas beliau selalu menurun dari bulan ke bulan. Tidak ada yang salah dengan Presiden SBY; hanya saja karena masalah yang sangat berat menghadang beliau, maka ekspetasi masyarakat ke beliau juga sangat tinggi. Karena selalu tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi, SBY akan menjadi kandidat yang tidak populer lagi.
1a>. Yusuf Kalla. Modal Yusuf Kalla hanyalah Golkar dan uang. Kelihatannya dua faktor tersebut tidak banyak membantu beliau dalam menuju istana.
2. Sutiyoso. Mantan Gubernur DKI kita yang satu ini sebetulnya punya modal bagus untuk jadi Presiden 2009; beliau Jenderal dari ABRI dan Jawa pula. Tapi kelihatannya terlalu banyak faktor penghambatnya; misalnya di dalam negeri beliau terlibat kasus 27 Juli dan di luar negeri belum pula selesai masalah dengan Australia. Kelihatannya, faktor di dalam negeri dan di luar negeri menjadi penghambat besar bagi kesuksesan beliau.
3. Tokoh-tokoh lawas seperti Amien Rais, Gus Dur, Mega, Wiranto dsb akan sangat mustahil untuk kembali ke panggung politik; mereka tokoh-tokoh yang bagus, tapi kelihatannya masa mereka sudah selesai.
4. Diantara tokoh-tokoh muda yang mungkin jadi kandidat adalah:
4a> Yusril Ihza Mahendra : terjerat kasus poligami dan dugaan korupsi
4b> Akbar Tanjung: terjerat kasus korupsi
Tokoh-tokoh di atas tidak akan menandingi popularitas Bang Iwan dan Pak Hidayat di mata masyarakat.
Bang Iwan memiliki massa fanatik yang menyukai lirik-lirik kritik sosialnya; kalau dilihat dari puluhan ribu massa yang selalu hadir di setiap konsernya dan juga rating di televisi yang selalu tinggi untuk setiap acaranya, maka massa bang Iwan bisa diperkirakan sangat-sangat tinggi.
Silakan bayangkan, jika Bang Iwan diadu dengan SBY; kira-kira siapa yang lebih populer di mata rakyat? Saya sangat ragu SBY bisa menandingi popularitas Bang Iwan.
Kemudian, massa Pak Hidayat juga sangat besar. PKS adalah partai anak muda yang sangat cepat pertumbuhannya; prediksi 20 % suara pada 2009 bukanlah hal yang mustahil, jika melihat perkembangan yang sangat luar biasa dari partai ini.
Sehingga, kolaborasi Bang Iwan dan Pak Hidayat akan menjadi pasangan yang sangat serasi dilihat dari sudut manapun; dari segi politik, Bang Iwan - Pak Hidayat mendapat legitimasi suara yang luarbiasa. Pendukung Bang Iwan adalah lintas partai, plus dukungan dari PKS akan menjadi legitimasi pasangan ini di Senayan.
Selain itu, Bang Iwan - Pak Hidayat ibarat pasangan Bung Karno - Bung Hatta ketika tahun 1945.
Bang Iwan ibarat Bung Karno merepresentasikan suara Nasionalis, sedangkan Pak Hidayat layaknya Bung Hatta yang merupakan wakil kaum agamis.
Bang Iwan ibarat Bung Karno yang dapat menyihir masyarakat lewat pidato-pidatonya. Bedanya, Bung Iwan lewat lirik-lirik lagunya. Sedangkan Pak Hidayat ibarat Bung Hatta, yang cenderung kepada ketenangan, intelektualitas dan kedalaman pemikiran.
Persamaan diantar keduanya adalah mereka berdua merepresentasikan gerakan kaum muda di Indonesia; mereka berdua tidak dilahirkan dari politik masa lalu. Mereka berdua adalah KAUM REFORMIS.
Perbedaan antara Bung Iwan dan Bung Hidayat akan menjadi harmoni yang luarbiasa indahnya jika benar-benar terjadi di 2009. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Indonesia, kita akan memiliki Presiden dari kalangan artis, yang merupakan legenda musik Indonesia. Di sisi lain, Pak Hidayat akan membuktikan kepada dunia, bahwa kalangan pesantren pun dapat menjadi politisi yang bersih dan profesional ketika diberikan amanat memimpin.
Naiknya pasangan Bung Iwan dan Bung Hidayat, otomatis akan membawa arah baru dalam perpolitikan Indonesia; dominasi GOLKAR dan NEO-GOLKAR (PDIP dsb) akan semakin melemah, dan akan digantikan dengan dominasi kekuatan-kekuatan reformis.
Mereka akan menjadi kekuatan moral yang luar biasa di Indonesia. Semoga pasangan ini akan benar-benar akan menduduki Istana. --Agung. [http://trisetyarso.wordpress.com/red] ***
[Baca Selengkapnya]
Rekan-Rekan yth.,
Menurut saya, pasangan Bang Iwan Fals - Ust. Hidayat Nur Wahid adalah pasangan yang memiliki kans sangat bagus, jika disandingkan menuju istana negara.
Pada tahun 2009, memang kita rasakan akan terjadi krisis kepemimpinan. Berikut peta singkat beberapa kandidat presiden 2009:
1. SBY. Jenderal kita yang satu ini sebetulnya cukup bagus ketika menjadi presiden 2004-2009; tapi popularitas beliau selalu menurun dari bulan ke bulan. Tidak ada yang salah dengan Presiden SBY; hanya saja karena masalah yang sangat berat menghadang beliau, maka ekspetasi masyarakat ke beliau juga sangat tinggi. Karena selalu tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi, SBY akan menjadi kandidat yang tidak populer lagi.
1a>. Yusuf Kalla. Modal Yusuf Kalla hanyalah Golkar dan uang. Kelihatannya dua faktor tersebut tidak banyak membantu beliau dalam menuju istana.
2. Sutiyoso. Mantan Gubernur DKI kita yang satu ini sebetulnya punya modal bagus untuk jadi Presiden 2009; beliau Jenderal dari ABRI dan Jawa pula. Tapi kelihatannya terlalu banyak faktor penghambatnya; misalnya di dalam negeri beliau terlibat kasus 27 Juli dan di luar negeri belum pula selesai masalah dengan Australia. Kelihatannya, faktor di dalam negeri dan di luar negeri menjadi penghambat besar bagi kesuksesan beliau.
3. Tokoh-tokoh lawas seperti Amien Rais, Gus Dur, Mega, Wiranto dsb akan sangat mustahil untuk kembali ke panggung politik; mereka tokoh-tokoh yang bagus, tapi kelihatannya masa mereka sudah selesai.
4. Diantara tokoh-tokoh muda yang mungkin jadi kandidat adalah:
4a> Yusril Ihza Mahendra : terjerat kasus poligami dan dugaan korupsi
4b> Akbar Tanjung: terjerat kasus korupsi
Tokoh-tokoh di atas tidak akan menandingi popularitas Bang Iwan dan Pak Hidayat di mata masyarakat.
Bang Iwan memiliki massa fanatik yang menyukai lirik-lirik kritik sosialnya; kalau dilihat dari puluhan ribu massa yang selalu hadir di setiap konsernya dan juga rating di televisi yang selalu tinggi untuk setiap acaranya, maka massa bang Iwan bisa diperkirakan sangat-sangat tinggi.
Silakan bayangkan, jika Bang Iwan diadu dengan SBY; kira-kira siapa yang lebih populer di mata rakyat? Saya sangat ragu SBY bisa menandingi popularitas Bang Iwan.
Kemudian, massa Pak Hidayat juga sangat besar. PKS adalah partai anak muda yang sangat cepat pertumbuhannya; prediksi 20 % suara pada 2009 bukanlah hal yang mustahil, jika melihat perkembangan yang sangat luar biasa dari partai ini.
Sehingga, kolaborasi Bang Iwan dan Pak Hidayat akan menjadi pasangan yang sangat serasi dilihat dari sudut manapun; dari segi politik, Bang Iwan - Pak Hidayat mendapat legitimasi suara yang luarbiasa. Pendukung Bang Iwan adalah lintas partai, plus dukungan dari PKS akan menjadi legitimasi pasangan ini di Senayan.
Selain itu, Bang Iwan - Pak Hidayat ibarat pasangan Bung Karno - Bung Hatta ketika tahun 1945.
Bang Iwan ibarat Bung Karno merepresentasikan suara Nasionalis, sedangkan Pak Hidayat layaknya Bung Hatta yang merupakan wakil kaum agamis.
Bang Iwan ibarat Bung Karno yang dapat menyihir masyarakat lewat pidato-pidatonya. Bedanya, Bung Iwan lewat lirik-lirik lagunya. Sedangkan Pak Hidayat ibarat Bung Hatta, yang cenderung kepada ketenangan, intelektualitas dan kedalaman pemikiran.
Persamaan diantar keduanya adalah mereka berdua merepresentasikan gerakan kaum muda di Indonesia; mereka berdua tidak dilahirkan dari politik masa lalu. Mereka berdua adalah KAUM REFORMIS.
Perbedaan antara Bung Iwan dan Bung Hidayat akan menjadi harmoni yang luarbiasa indahnya jika benar-benar terjadi di 2009. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Indonesia, kita akan memiliki Presiden dari kalangan artis, yang merupakan legenda musik Indonesia. Di sisi lain, Pak Hidayat akan membuktikan kepada dunia, bahwa kalangan pesantren pun dapat menjadi politisi yang bersih dan profesional ketika diberikan amanat memimpin.
Naiknya pasangan Bung Iwan dan Bung Hidayat, otomatis akan membawa arah baru dalam perpolitikan Indonesia; dominasi GOLKAR dan NEO-GOLKAR (PDIP dsb) akan semakin melemah, dan akan digantikan dengan dominasi kekuatan-kekuatan reformis.
Mereka akan menjadi kekuatan moral yang luar biasa di Indonesia. Semoga pasangan ini akan benar-benar akan menduduki Istana. --Agung. [http://trisetyarso.wordpress.com/red] ***
[Baca Selengkapnya]
aku sih sah-sah aja bang iwan dijadikan presiden tapi mampu gak MPR dan DPR berubah Wujud pula, krna biang kributan slama ini ya di situ itu.....
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
December 1, 2007 at 4:45 PM
saya stuju 1000% kalo bang iwan mau jadi capres thn 2009.
daripada pilih tentara... mending sipil.
kalo betul bang iwan maju jadi capres berarti saya keluar dari golput dan menjadi pemilih yang baik....
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
December 7, 2007 at 12:58 PM
Saya setuju sama bang iwannya, tapi gak setuju sama calon wakilnya.
Omong-omong...bung hatta itu seorang nasionalis yang religius, begitu pula bung karno.
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
January 15, 2008 at 4:39 PM
bang iwan mau nyalonin jadi presiden,aku pasti mendukung beliau,karna beliau sosok yang di idolakan oleh rakyat dan beliau mempunyaai fans yang banyak dan tidak mustahil klo beliau memenangkan pemilu 2009.
buat bang iwan fals semoga sukses selalu
Komentar dari
January 29, 2008 at 1:12 PM
wah klo bang iwan jd president.gw dukung ampe darah pengabisan,cm beliau yg pantes jd pemimpin negara.rakyat pasti bangga punya pemimpin yg kalem tapi gahar,ga ky skrng keren tp maksiat ga pernah tuntas.mo d apain nie negara klo maksiat ga pernah d brantas,lo pikir ja bencana d mn2.nie akibat pemimpin'a kurang optimis ma negara,jd ky gini deh....!!salam OI
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
March 4, 2008 at 8:20 PM
seorang iwan fals adalah sosok figur yang dicintai oleh semua golongan di negeri ini.seorang iwan fals adalah seniman sejati,dan tugas seorang seniman sejati adalah memberi kesaksian pada kenyataan sosial lingkungannya.bila bang iwan menjadi presiden maka beliau akan mendapatkan "musuh baru" karena memang politik selamanya kejam,bila bang iwan menjadi presiden maka kita akan kehilangan sosok penyaksi yang objektif dan jeli melihat kenyataan,selain itu sosok bang iwan terlalu murni untuk kotornya politik negeri ini,beliau adalah "jembatan emas" antara pemerintah dan rakyat..jadi,biarlah bang iwan menjadi seperti yang sekarang ini,biarlah beliau tetap menjadi orang pinggiran yang dicintai dan menjadi inspirasi bagi rakyat kecil..mungkin lebih tepat bila bang iwan menjadi guru bangsa,sebuah kedudukan yang tinggi dan mulia bahkan lebih tinggi dari seorang presiden sekalipun..."kenyataan harus dikabarkan,aku bernyanyi menjadi saksi".
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
April 1, 2008 at 8:10 AM
kalau iwan fals jadi presiden, aku berharap dia tetap nyanyi...
Sebagai wacana, mungkin ada baiknya kalau OI di "partai"in
Komentar dari
ary |
April 7, 2008 at 10:49 PM
kalau iwan jadi presiden aku mau jadi temannya presiden
Komentar dari
ary |
April 7, 2008 at 10:50 PM
saya sangat tidak setuju bung iwan jadi presiden..... trus yang nyanyi dan ngritik pemerintah seberani beliau siapa?? negara akan tambah bubrah karena sampe detik ini tidak ada politikus yang berani berkata tentang kebenaran.. kalo aku hari ini kita memilih yang pintar dan bersih hatinya, biarkan bung iwan sebagai penyeimbang.. MEUTIA HATTA yang suaranya halus dan belum terkontamninasi mungkin sebagai alternatif
Komentar dari
wahyuhananto |
July 18, 2008 at 12:33 PM
bang iwan sang guru bangsa, kami tak mau kehilangan suaramu yang lentang... memang kami setuju abang menjadi presiden tapi kami takut abang akan di hianati oleh tikus2 yang nantinya mengelilingi abang. bang kami rindu lirik barumu... yang menggelitik. sukses selalu bang
Komentar dari
Jar W |
August 15, 2008 at 1:40 PM
March 27, 2008
From the Sultan’s Court
The popularity of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X is growing. He is loyal to Javanese culture, hoping to be nominated for public office, but reluctant to garner political support. He is getting some publicity with the release of his new book.
THE auditorium of the Postgraduate School of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, was decorated in various colors on Saturday two weeks ago. There were a number of public figures there, such as film directors, politicians, singers, and researchers. But at that time the star of the show was Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, who was launching the release of a book of collected speeches, Merajut Kembali Keindonesiaan Kita (Reviving Our Indonesian-ness).
Some of those in attendance included cinema figures Garin Nugroho and Mira Lesmana, singer Franky Sahilatua, intellectual Komaruddin Hidayat, businessman Fransiscus Welirang, UGM Senate Chairman Soetaryo, Minister (of Women’s Empowerment) Meutia Hatta, and head of the Golkar Party’s Board of Advisors, Surya Paloh. “The presence of those figures indicates that the spectrum of the Sultan’s socializing is getting broader,” said Moeslim Abdurrahman, a Muhammadiyah organization figure who has joined the National Awakening Party (PKB).
The Sultan’s book is a collection of 18 speeches delivered on various occasions. He speaks about culture, leadership, economic strategy and the development of the Indonesian Military (TNI). However, the launching of this book indicates a new style for the Sultan, one which is more open to the public. His supporters consider him to be an alternative candidate for next year’s presidential election. “He is very much a reformist and visionary, a national leader for the future,” said Idham Samawi, Regent of Bantul, who is known to be close to the Sultan.
The Sultan has enough political clout to be in the running for the presidency. According to the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) his popularity has grown over the past three years. In the last survey, made in January, he placed third, after Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Megawati Sukarnoputri. However, he only received 7 percent. Even so, this makes him more popular than Jusuf Kalla, the current Vice President and leader of the largest political party.
According to LSI, this 7 percent figure for the Sultan is about the same as Yudhoyono’s popularity was a year before the 2004 presidential election. For this reason, according to the institute, the Sultan has a chance to win in 2009. There still needs to be “a political momentum which benefits the Sultan, and a perceived failure to spur economic growth on Yudhoyono’s part.”
This upward trend has convinced the Sultan and his followers. Moreover, according to those close to the Sultan, a number of public figures have asked him to step forward. Most of them went to see him at the Yogyakarta Keraton (traditional Javanese palace). Among them, according to a source, was General (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu, a former Army Chief of Staff who came a few weeks ago.
Some figures have been actively promoting the Sultan in various circles. Among them are businessman Sugeng Sarjadi, researcher Sukardi Rinakit, and Moeslim Abdurrahman. Speaking to Tempo, Sukardi denied being a member of the Sultan’s campaign team. “My idea is only to create an alternative candidate. This way there will be more choices for the people,” he said. Moeslim even joked: “I’m with the PKB. My candidate is Gus Dur.”
Actually, the Sultan has been seeking support, even though he has not done so publicly. In the middle of last year, for instance, he met with a number of public figures at the home of businessman Arifin Panigoro in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. There, the Sultan, whose name is Bandoro Raden Mas Herdjuno Darpito, conveyed his thoughts about national leadership.
Last year, the Sultan also went on a number of outings. Together with Saifullah Yusuf, Chairman of the Ansor Youth Movement, for instance, he took part in a walking event together with thousands at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School in Kediri, East Java. On this occasion he spoke about the need to give independent candidates a chance to run in the presidential election. Near the end of the year, Sultan and Saifullah plus Soetrisno Bachir, Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), took part in a similar event in Jember. A few weeks before that, PAN had called upon the Sultan to become an alternative candidate.
Even so, the Sultan has never openly stated his desire to become a presidential candidate. To those close to him, according to one source, the Sultan said he would be ready to run only if many people nominated him. “It is not possible that he would be willing to nominate himself as a presidential candidate,” said someone close with the Palace in Yogyakarta.
Sukardi Rinakit agrees with this strategy to wait for support to come. He says that at first he also thought that the Sultan should emphatically declare his desire to become a presidential candidate. Now he believes that the Sultan does not need to do so publicly. “If he declares it, it will eliminate him, as the Javanese will think that the Sultan does not possess the proper cultural etiquette. By not declaring it, the Sultan will be different from the others,” said Sukardi.
Moeslim Abdurrahman agreed that the Sultan will have a chance to win the election if he can present his leadership vision as it appears in his book. With this concept, said Moeslim, the Sultan will always consider the cultural aspects of leadership. “The people are fed up and need an alternative. The Sultan of Yogyakarta could become the Sultan of the [Indonesian] Archipelago through this concept,” said Moeslim.
However, the Sultan played down the suspicion that the launching of this book was the first step to campaign more publicly. “This is an ordinary book launching. I mean, it is only a collection of speeches,” said the 62-year-old. Regarding his nomination, he always says, “Don’t ask me, ask the people.”
• Sri Sultan HB X Ngayogyakarto
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o Male, 62, Married
o Member Since: Jul 2004
o Location: Indonesia
o Hometown: Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat
o Sri Sultan HB X's URL:
o http://profiles.friendster.com/10587997
"I was born in April 2, 1946. My name was Bendoro Raden Mas (BRM) Herdjuno Darpito, then changed to be Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran..."
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Sri Sultan HB X's Photo Gallery
Mataram Yogyakarta is the next generation of Kotagede Mataram Islamic Kingdom. In modernization era, the King gives modern touch that is in harmony with the culture of the ancestor.
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"7 March 1750, five years before Giyanti Agreement, which was the date of the foundation of Yogyakarta Kingdom, was also the birth date of Sultan Sepuh. For the reason, the momentum of the coronation of Hamengku Buwono X on 7 March 1989 was considered a renewal momentum of the resolution to uphold the throne for people prosperity and culture. In relation to this, the relevance is that the 'Jumenengan' or coronation plays its role as a starting point for culture to step forward." (Dr. Damardjati Supadjar, Nawang Sari 1993, Fajar Pustaka Baru, Yogyakarta).
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (HB X)
Bendara Raden Mas (BRM) Herjuno Darpito who is the second child of Kanjeng Raden Ayu Windyaningrum HB IX, the wife of Hamengku Buwono IX, was born on 2 April 1946. After his appointment as a Crown Prince, he has the title of "Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anom Hamengku Negara Sudibyo Raja Putra Nalendra Mataram".
BRM Herjuno's modern education background becomes the basis of his logical thinking. His behavior and decisions are based on the existing realities. After his coronation as Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, he breaks some of the old tradition of the Palace.
Different from his predecessors who had more than one wife, HB X only has one wife who is also the queen consort. The labuhan alit that used to be held twice a year is changed to once in a year.
He holds to his logical thinking even though some people do not agree to his way of thinking, including the plan to build underground parking area beneath the North Square.
His modern thinking is not separated from his father's. Hamengku Buwono IX was the king with modern thinking who emphasized human equality.
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX (HB IX)
GRM Dorojatun who was born on 12 April 1912 was the only child of Kanjeng Ratu Ayu Adipati Anom (KRAy.AA) Hamengkunegoro.
Since he was four years old, he was raised by the Mulder family to get discipline education and simple life even though he was the Crown Prince.
One year after his study in Netherlands, on 18 March 1940, he was seated on his throne with the title of "Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono, Senopati Ing Ngalogo, Abdurrahman Sayidin Panoto Gomo, Kalifatullah Ingkang Kaping IX". This title means Sultan was the lawful authority of this perishable world; he was also the highest commander of the troop during the war. Besides, Sultan was also a kind hearted religion leader, because he was acknowledged a kalifatullah, the representative of Mohammad the Disciple of God.
HB IX is an example of a democratic nobleman. His western education gives many cultural alternatives. He also changed the old tradition where the king is not an authority controller but a democratic leader. His services to the Republic of Indonesia are worth remembering.
On 7 October 1988, his body arrived in the Sultan Palace after his demise in Washington DC, the United States of America. The Sultan Palace and Indonesian people were in mourning. Seeming like feeling the grief, the banyan tree named Kiai Dewandaru that was planted during the reign of HB I fell down. "This signals new scene in the Archipelago Culture Stage". This banyan tree was replanted with the approval of HB X and it can be seen in the North Square now. Its size is smaller than Kiai Wijayadaru on its east side. The picture can be seen in YogYES documentation.
HB IX was buried in Pajimatan cemetery in Imogiri.
The Kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta in the Midst of Modernization
In its triumphant era, Mataram Kingdom developed a political concept of keagungbintaraan, meaning that the king was as authoritative as gods, the caretaker of law and universe, abundant goodness, and being fair to others (agung binathara bahu dhenda nyakrawati, berbudi bawa leksana ambeg, adil para marta).
Embracing the political concept of equality and democratic thinking, the Sultan of Mataram Yogyakarta Kingdom is ruling Yogyakarta government at this moment. (YogYES.COM)
Writer: R. Syah
Photo & Artistic: Sutrisno
Copyright © 2006 YogYES.COM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
10/28/08 22:56
Sultan Hb X: I want a change
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said here on Tuesday that he wanted a change because he could no longer stand seeing the people who were still suffering from poverty and unemployment despite ten years of reform.
He made the statement after declaring his readiness to run for presidency in the 2009 elections at a grand meeting between the people and the king at the northern square of the Sultanate compound.
Hamengkubuwono who is the sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom and also governor of Yogyakarta special region said that there had so far been no fundamental change that had made the nation to progress and to be well-off with an accountable government.
"So long as the situation remains like this the nation will be competitive to face future challenges. In view of that we must change the strategy and if the people want a change let us do it together," he said before thousands of people attending the meeting.
Sultan then said "what is the use of asking Hamengkubuwono to be a president if the people do not want a change. I want to be an agent of change."
Sultan said he would not make wining or losing a problem in the next year`s competition. "Upon the request of the people of Yogyakarta I am willing to run for presidency. It is not a problem for me to lose and there is no need to feel being degraded or ashamed if I lose. My logics is not like that but on the contrary I may not show off if I win because everything is a mere mandate," he said.
On the occasion Sultan said that he also wished to change the people`s way of seeing him. He said that "I am indeed a sultan but not a noble person like 100 years ago and Yogyakarta is now also part of the republic."
"I must support democratization because I am a democrat. I must also be able to be an agent of change and a role model," he said.
He said people must also understand that Sultan is also a common citizen who submits himself to democracy in which sovereignty is in the hands of the people.
"I hope by being willing to run for presidency the people of Yogyakarta will support democratization," he said.
About his chance Sultan said he was confident it was good while the process of crystalization in the community and among political parties was still continuing.
"Political parties will indeed make their decisions only after the completion of the legislative elections. What I did now was replying the people`s question if he was willing or not to run for presidency and I said I was," he said.
The next step, is, he said, he would see the development of support from political parties. He said he could not as yet predict it moreover the bill on presidential elections was now also still being discussed including whether or not he should resign from his post as governor.
According to the draft bill a state official who wish to run for presidency has to ask for a leave to avoid him/her possibly using state facilities.
"But a state official who is not elected must resign. I do not know what will the decision be. Will I be classified as being an elected or not. If I am classified as being a not elected official and has to resign I will probably consider doing it," he said.
Ask if he is ready to become a vice president Sultan said he had not thought about it as crystalization was still continuing. "Independent candidacy meanwhile is impossible because it needs an amendment of the law and therefore candicacy must be through political parties," he said.
Sultan reiterated that he did not seek power but he only wanted to serve. He said the motivation behind his decision to run for presidency was serving not only the people of Yogyakarta but the country. He said he had come to the decision after conducting self-reflection on his motivation and capability for it.
He said he had also asked his wife and children whether they were also ready to sacrifive for the country and they all answered they were.
His wife, Ratu Hemas, said he would be a loyal company of the Sultan, adding there was a lot to do in the future especially with regard to injustices on women.
"I will fight for the women who must have equal capability and self-reliance," she said
Official Statement of Neutrality
Minggu, 2008 November 30
Sultan HB X Believes He has Big Chance to Win Candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him."I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency. Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Thursday, 30 October 2008 13:56
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (VOI News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides. About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him. He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections. Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency. Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections. He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate. Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday. (*)
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
January 7, 2009 at 11:41 PM
March 27, 2008
From the Sultan’s Court
The popularity of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X is growing. He is loyal to Javanese culture, hoping to be nominated for public office, but reluctant to garner political support. He is getting some publicity with the release of his new book.
THE auditorium of the Postgraduate School of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, was decorated in various colors on Saturday two weeks ago. There were a number of public figures there, such as film directors, politicians, singers, and researchers. But at that time the star of the show was Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, who was launching the release of a book of collected speeches, Merajut Kembali Keindonesiaan Kita (Reviving Our Indonesian-ness).
Some of those in attendance included cinema figures Garin Nugroho and Mira Lesmana, singer Franky Sahilatua, intellectual Komaruddin Hidayat, businessman Fransiscus Welirang, UGM Senate Chairman Soetaryo, Minister (of Women’s Empowerment) Meutia Hatta, and head of the Golkar Party’s Board of Advisors, Surya Paloh. “The presence of those figures indicates that the spectrum of the Sultan’s socializing is getting broader,” said Moeslim Abdurrahman, a Muhammadiyah organization figure who has joined the National Awakening Party (PKB).
The Sultan’s book is a collection of 18 speeches delivered on various occasions. He speaks about culture, leadership, economic strategy and the development of the Indonesian Military (TNI). However, the launching of this book indicates a new style for the Sultan, one which is more open to the public. His supporters consider him to be an alternative candidate for next year’s presidential election. “He is very much a reformist and visionary, a national leader for the future,” said Idham Samawi, Regent of Bantul, who is known to be close to the Sultan.
The Sultan has enough political clout to be in the running for the presidency. According to the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) his popularity has grown over the past three years. In the last survey, made in January, he placed third, after Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Megawati Sukarnoputri. However, he only received 7 percent. Even so, this makes him more popular than Jusuf Kalla, the current Vice President and leader of the largest political party.
According to LSI, this 7 percent figure for the Sultan is about the same as Yudhoyono’s popularity was a year before the 2004 presidential election. For this reason, according to the institute, the Sultan has a chance to win in 2009. There still needs to be “a political momentum which benefits the Sultan, and a perceived failure to spur economic growth on Yudhoyono’s part.”
This upward trend has convinced the Sultan and his followers. Moreover, according to those close to the Sultan, a number of public figures have asked him to step forward. Most of them went to see him at the Yogyakarta Keraton (traditional Javanese palace). Among them, according to a source, was General (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu, a former Army Chief of Staff who came a few weeks ago.
Some figures have been actively promoting the Sultan in various circles. Among them are businessman Sugeng Sarjadi, researcher Sukardi Rinakit, and Moeslim Abdurrahman. Speaking to Tempo, Sukardi denied being a member of the Sultan’s campaign team. “My idea is only to create an alternative candidate. This way there will be more choices for the people,” he said. Moeslim even joked: “I’m with the PKB. My candidate is Gus Dur.”
Actually, the Sultan has been seeking support, even though he has not done so publicly. In the middle of last year, for instance, he met with a number of public figures at the home of businessman Arifin Panigoro in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. There, the Sultan, whose name is Bandoro Raden Mas Herdjuno Darpito, conveyed his thoughts about national leadership.
Last year, the Sultan also went on a number of outings. Together with Saifullah Yusuf, Chairman of the Ansor Youth Movement, for instance, he took part in a walking event together with thousands at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School in Kediri, East Java. On this occasion he spoke about the need to give independent candidates a chance to run in the presidential election. Near the end of the year, Sultan and Saifullah plus Soetrisno Bachir, Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), took part in a similar event in Jember. A few weeks before that, PAN had called upon the Sultan to become an alternative candidate.
Even so, the Sultan has never openly stated his desire to become a presidential candidate. To those close to him, according to one source, the Sultan said he would be ready to run only if many people nominated him. “It is not possible that he would be willing to nominate himself as a presidential candidate,” said someone close with the Palace in Yogyakarta.
Sukardi Rinakit agrees with this strategy to wait for support to come. He says that at first he also thought that the Sultan should emphatically declare his desire to become a presidential candidate. Now he believes that the Sultan does not need to do so publicly. “If he declares it, it will eliminate him, as the Javanese will think that the Sultan does not possess the proper cultural etiquette. By not declaring it, the Sultan will be different from the others,” said Sukardi.
Moeslim Abdurrahman agreed that the Sultan will have a chance to win the election if he can present his leadership vision as it appears in his book. With this concept, said Moeslim, the Sultan will always consider the cultural aspects of leadership. “The people are fed up and need an alternative. The Sultan of Yogyakarta could become the Sultan of the [Indonesian] Archipelago through this concept,” said Moeslim.
However, the Sultan played down the suspicion that the launching of this book was the first step to campaign more publicly. “This is an ordinary book launching. I mean, it is only a collection of speeches,” said the 62-year-old. Regarding his nomination, he always says, “Don’t ask me, ask the people.”
• Sri Sultan HB X Ngayogyakarto
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"I was born in April 2, 1946. My name was Bendoro Raden Mas (BRM) Herdjuno Darpito, then changed to be Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran..."
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Mataram Yogyakarta is the next generation of Kotagede Mataram Islamic Kingdom. In modernization era, the King gives modern touch that is in harmony with the culture of the ancestor.
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"7 March 1750, five years before Giyanti Agreement, which was the date of the foundation of Yogyakarta Kingdom, was also the birth date of Sultan Sepuh. For the reason, the momentum of the coronation of Hamengku Buwono X on 7 March 1989 was considered a renewal momentum of the resolution to uphold the throne for people prosperity and culture. In relation to this, the relevance is that the 'Jumenengan' or coronation plays its role as a starting point for culture to step forward." (Dr. Damardjati Supadjar, Nawang Sari 1993, Fajar Pustaka Baru, Yogyakarta).
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (HB X)
Bendara Raden Mas (BRM) Herjuno Darpito who is the second child of Kanjeng Raden Ayu Windyaningrum HB IX, the wife of Hamengku Buwono IX, was born on 2 April 1946. After his appointment as a Crown Prince, he has the title of "Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anom Hamengku Negara Sudibyo Raja Putra Nalendra Mataram".
BRM Herjuno's modern education background becomes the basis of his logical thinking. His behavior and decisions are based on the existing realities. After his coronation as Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, he breaks some of the old tradition of the Palace.
Different from his predecessors who had more than one wife, HB X only has one wife who is also the queen consort. The labuhan alit that used to be held twice a year is changed to once in a year.
He holds to his logical thinking even though some people do not agree to his way of thinking, including the plan to build underground parking area beneath the North Square.
His modern thinking is not separated from his father's. Hamengku Buwono IX was the king with modern thinking who emphasized human equality.
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX (HB IX)
GRM Dorojatun who was born on 12 April 1912 was the only child of Kanjeng Ratu Ayu Adipati Anom (KRAy.AA) Hamengkunegoro.
Since he was four years old, he was raised by the Mulder family to get discipline education and simple life even though he was the Crown Prince.
One year after his study in Netherlands, on 18 March 1940, he was seated on his throne with the title of "Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono, Senopati Ing Ngalogo, Abdurrahman Sayidin Panoto Gomo, Kalifatullah Ingkang Kaping IX". This title means Sultan was the lawful authority of this perishable world; he was also the highest commander of the troop during the war. Besides, Sultan was also a kind hearted religion leader, because he was acknowledged a kalifatullah, the representative of Mohammad the Disciple of God.
HB IX is an example of a democratic nobleman. His western education gives many cultural alternatives. He also changed the old tradition where the king is not an authority controller but a democratic leader. His services to the Republic of Indonesia are worth remembering.
On 7 October 1988, his body arrived in the Sultan Palace after his demise in Washington DC, the United States of America. The Sultan Palace and Indonesian people were in mourning. Seeming like feeling the grief, the banyan tree named Kiai Dewandaru that was planted during the reign of HB I fell down. "This signals new scene in the Archipelago Culture Stage". This banyan tree was replanted with the approval of HB X and it can be seen in the North Square now. Its size is smaller than Kiai Wijayadaru on its east side. The picture can be seen in YogYES documentation.
HB IX was buried in Pajimatan cemetery in Imogiri.
The Kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta in the Midst of Modernization
In its triumphant era, Mataram Kingdom developed a political concept of keagungbintaraan, meaning that the king was as authoritative as gods, the caretaker of law and universe, abundant goodness, and being fair to others (agung binathara bahu dhenda nyakrawati, berbudi bawa leksana ambeg, adil para marta).
Embracing the political concept of equality and democratic thinking, the Sultan of Mataram Yogyakarta Kingdom is ruling Yogyakarta government at this moment. (YogYES.COM)
Writer: R. Syah
Photo & Artistic: Sutrisno
Copyright © 2006 YogYES.COM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
10/28/08 22:56
Sultan Hb X: I want a change
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said here on Tuesday that he wanted a change because he could no longer stand seeing the people who were still suffering from poverty and unemployment despite ten years of reform.
He made the statement after declaring his readiness to run for presidency in the 2009 elections at a grand meeting between the people and the king at the northern square of the Sultanate compound.
Hamengkubuwono who is the sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom and also governor of Yogyakarta special region said that there had so far been no fundamental change that had made the nation to progress and to be well-off with an accountable government.
"So long as the situation remains like this the nation will be competitive to face future challenges. In view of that we must change the strategy and if the people want a change let us do it together," he said before thousands of people attending the meeting.
Sultan then said "what is the use of asking Hamengkubuwono to be a president if the people do not want a change. I want to be an agent of change."
Sultan said he would not make wining or losing a problem in the next year`s competition. "Upon the request of the people of Yogyakarta I am willing to run for presidency. It is not a problem for me to lose and there is no need to feel being degraded or ashamed if I lose. My logics is not like that but on the contrary I may not show off if I win because everything is a mere mandate," he said.
On the occasion Sultan said that he also wished to change the people`s way of seeing him. He said that "I am indeed a sultan but not a noble person like 100 years ago and Yogyakarta is now also part of the republic."
"I must support democratization because I am a democrat. I must also be able to be an agent of change and a role model," he said.
He said people must also understand that Sultan is also a common citizen who submits himself to democracy in which sovereignty is in the hands of the people.
"I hope by being willing to run for presidency the people of Yogyakarta will support democratization," he said.
About his chance Sultan said he was confident it was good while the process of crystalization in the community and among political parties was still continuing.
"Political parties will indeed make their decisions only after the completion of the legislative elections. What I did now was replying the people`s question if he was willing or not to run for presidency and I said I was," he said.
The next step, is, he said, he would see the development of support from political parties. He said he could not as yet predict it moreover the bill on presidential elections was now also still being discussed including whether or not he should resign from his post as governor.
According to the draft bill a state official who wish to run for presidency has to ask for a leave to avoid him/her possibly using state facilities.
"But a state official who is not elected must resign. I do not know what will the decision be. Will I be classified as being an elected or not. If I am classified as being a not elected official and has to resign I will probably consider doing it," he said.
Ask if he is ready to become a vice president Sultan said he had not thought about it as crystalization was still continuing. "Independent candidacy meanwhile is impossible because it needs an amendment of the law and therefore candicacy must be through political parties," he said.
Sultan reiterated that he did not seek power but he only wanted to serve. He said the motivation behind his decision to run for presidency was serving not only the people of Yogyakarta but the country. He said he had come to the decision after conducting self-reflection on his motivation and capability for it.
He said he had also asked his wife and children whether they were also ready to sacrifive for the country and they all answered they were.
His wife, Ratu Hemas, said he would be a loyal company of the Sultan, adding there was a lot to do in the future especially with regard to injustices on women.
"I will fight for the women who must have equal capability and self-reliance," she said
Official Statement of Neutrality
Minggu, 2008 November 30
Sultan HB X Believes He has Big Chance to Win Candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him."I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency. Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Thursday, 30 October 2008 13:56
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (VOI News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides. About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him. He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections. Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency. Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections. He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate. Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday. (*)
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
January 7, 2009 at 11:47 PM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
January 7, 2009 at 11:48 PM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Komentar dari
RelawanSultan |
January 7, 2009 at 11:49 PM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
January 7, 2009 at 11:49 PM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Komentar dari
RelawanSultan |
January 7, 2009 at 11:49 PM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Komentar dari
RelawanSultan |
January 7, 2009 at 11:50 PM
10/29/08 20:27
Sultan HB X believes he has big chance to win candidacy
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said here on Wednesday he was optimistic that his decision to run for president in next year`s elections would be supported by all sides.
"The chance is big. It is only PDIP that has already had a candidate while other parties have not," he said at a lecture at state University of Airlangga.
About people who had also aspired to become presidential candidates Sultan said that it was not a problem for him.
"I think it is alright to have a competition. It will be the people or voters that will take the benefit," he said.
He said however that it would all depend upon the votes collected by parties in the legislative elections to be held ahead of the presidential elections.
Asked about the possibility of him being discharged from his post as member of the Golkar Party`s advisory board after declaring his readiness to run for president, he said he saw no party rule that ordered dismissal for party cadre who declared to run for presidency.
Asked about the political means that he would use for running for the presidential post, the Sultan said that it would be determined later after the completion of the legislative elections.
"We have not talked about it. Was the declaration only made yesterday," he said.
He declined to tell about his possible vice presidential candidate.
Before thousands of people the Sultan of the traditional Javanese kingdom declared his readiness to run for president on Tuesday.
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
January 7, 2009 at 11:51 PM
bagaimana kalau Sang JENDRAL NAGABONAR yang menjadi Presiden? temukan Jawabnnya DISINI
Komentar dari
Anonymous |
March 11, 2009 at 10:01 AM
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